We all know that one friend that has great results at trading. Why not follow their trades?
SkyRocket offers variety of trading tools and exchanges that help you to multiply your crypto assets and minimize the losses.
In this article we will talk about how to leverage your or your friends’ skills to profit together. Not every one of us have a time, knowledge and good mental attitude to be always profitable as we for example tend to keep our trading position even when our assumptions were wrong.
What if you could follow someone trades without giving them access to your funds?
Thanks to SkyRocket Trade it’s quite easy. One of the first step when you want to start trading with our platform is to connect exchange API from for example Binance to SkyRocket. It’s pretty easy process and what is the most important safe – in the sense that you give access for someone to trade with your account Binance and get profits but not to withdraw any funds.
How to connect accounts?
1. After logging into the Binance account, click [API Management] in the user center drop-down box. After entering the API management page, set an API key (ie API name), and click [Create].
* Security Tip: Before creating the API, you need to bind the secondary authentication.

2. Fill in the “Google Authentication Code” or “SMS Authentication Code” to confirm API Key creation for your account.

3. Once you have passed the 2FA Authentication, the system will send a confirmation email to the email address of your Binance account. Please click on the Confirm button to confirm a new API key creation.

4. Please click on the【Confirm Create】button to confirm a new API key creation.

5. Your API Key is created. If you don’t want your friend to be able to withdraw your funds do not tick the box enable withdrawals.
6. Copy the keys (don’t show them to anyone, just someone who will manage your account) in and send them safely to your friend.
7. On the SkyRocket your trader friend has to click their profile and choose Accounts.

8. Click Add new account and paste the API Keys.

Trader is ready to go and to manage two (or more) accounts at once!