The current #stayhome situation finds us grounded in our homes these days. Let us invite you to take advantage of it by deepening your crypto trading skills to become more effective and profitable in your investment decisions.
Over the next few weeks, we will demonstrate how you can achieve this by using the SkyRocket platform, which offers you several tools and functionalities not seen yet anywhere else.
Over this first, overview lesson we will cover the benefits of using the SkyRocket tools. Over the further lessons, we will present each of them, together with some practical use cases.
What is SkyRocket?
SkyRocket ( works as a standalone API, integrated with popular crypto exchanges, like Binance and Bitmex (more exchanges are to be added soon). It was created to offer a range of tools and functionalities not available anywhere else. First, you receive a higher performance compared to exchanges’ fronted, which is often negatively affected by overloads. And second, you get access here to a toolkit effectively increasing your transacting capabilities, like i.e. progressing stop-loss, graphic monitoring of changes in your portfolio and several other ones (highlighted below).
SkyRocket’s toolkit consists of:
Progressing Stop-Loss
For sure each of you, at least once, experienced a situation when after setting up a sales price limit, the price went up way higher, than you initially anticipated, and you ended up with lower than optimal profit. Not always we have the luxury to monitor such changes and often then go unnoticed, or rather they got noticed too late.
In SkyRocket, you can use a tool called Progressing Stop-Loss Limit, where instead of triggering sales at a given limit, your order follows a growing price until it starts reverting, and only then it triggers the sales.
Visual outlook of your multiple accounts on different exchanges
Many of you may have accounts on several exchanges. After integrating them with SkyRocket you can follow all movements on your multiple accounts and visualise on a chart.
You can follow transaction details from your multiple accounts, having them plotted to charts. All you have to do is to click on the Balance tab.
Stop-Loss (SL) & Take Profit (TP) active at the same time
You can also have a Stop-Loss and Take-Profit features set at the same time. This would let you stay safe while reaching a profitable limit.
Place orders on multiply crypto assets, with the same capital
A very sweet benefit that you’ll find in SkyRocket, that your pockets will definitely appreciate, is the ability to place several buy orders and blocking only the funds covering the highest one of them. So you don’t have to engage funds for every single order independently. Once one of the setup purchases is done, the remaining orders are cancelled.
Hiding your trading position
You also might not like the fact that your orders are publicly visible in an exchange. In SkyRocket an order is sent to exchange only when the desired price is reached, making it impossible for other traders to take advantage of knowing what your trading position is.
Copy Trading
Do you trade on multiple accounts? or do you run accounts on behalf of your clients? In SkyRocket you can manage all such accounts from one place, copying your moves there automatically by following your master account.
Crypto trading leagues
We are also about to deploy Crypto Trading Leagues, with bunches of traders competing between themselves for the highest ROI and the main prize. This prize is expected to grow, Lotto style, proportionally to the number of players and performed transactions. We literally can’t wait to see international championship games to be taking place here soon!
We are currently working on implementing the following, additional tools in the near future: